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Customer Testimonials

My son has taken highschool math with Vina for several years. He just started college and had to take a math assessment test for placement in the right class. Great was his joy, when he was told that he did not need a remedial math class, but could go straight to bussiness calculus! Thank you Vina !!

Monique Hosmer

Words aren't enough to express my gratitude to Vina for the years of math help she gave my son.

When we first came to her, my son has just completed his 6th grade year and was failing math. His teacher "highly recommended" summer school. Up until then, he had always done well in math. By the time he finished that school year he had lost all confidence and a desire to learn.

It might sound cliche to say that she was a gift from God, but that's what she was. She knew just what he needed for his own personal learning style.

It wasn't long before my student was grasping the math concepts and gaining back his confidence. She is an excellent tutor! I will always be thankful to Vina for coming to our "rescue".

Stefani Moore

I am so grateful to have found Sheffield Educational Services. Mrs. Sheffield is one of the few talented individuals who not only masters math but is also skilled in teaching it. She has taught both of my daughters math skills which help them succeed in their academic endeavors. Her enthusiasm and joy in teaching math is contagious. Even students who initially dislike math, learn to be both skilled in it and enjoy it.

Alexandra Motz said on Jun 23, 2016 8:24 PM

Vina is a wonderful teacher. My daughter hated math until Vina made it all make sense.

mary Vankirk said on Feb 11, 2015 7:21 PM

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